Our Events


Our Services

Sunday Bible Study, 9:00 am

Children' Classes For All Ages

High School Class

Young Adults' Class

Adults' Class


Sunday Morning Worship, 9:45 am

 Come and join us for our public assembly worship including:


Congregational Singing

Meaningful Prayers

Communion Service

Giving (Only members asked to contribute)

Bible-Centered Preaching



Sunday Evening Worship, 5:00 pm

The evening worship service is very similar to the Sunday morning worship service except the Communion Service is partaken by those members who were unable to partake in the morning. 



Wednesday Bible Study, 7:00 pm

 Our adults and children return to their classes and teachers to learn and apply the Bible's good news during this midweek service. The format is similar to Sunday morning with the exception that we follow our classes by assembling together for singing, praying and a short devotional message.